New Year, New Month

Well we’re into yet another year and about to start the month of February for 2016. I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year. For me another busy year has passed. And not enough time was spent taking photos. Fingers crossed this will change this year.

I think I’ll try and get into the studio a bit more this year to take a few more still lives. I really enjoy working with my own lighting and in a more structured way. You have more control. Having said that there’s a lot I would like to explore and experiment with in my photography, both in and out of the studio. Whether this happens I don’t know, I hope to have the opportunity to try.

Pop Art

Pop Art

The ‘Picture of the Month’ continues to be updated and February sees another fruity shot.


Picture of the Month

Doesn’t time fly when you’re busy. It’s been a year since the last post was added, and not much has been done to the site. So I have added a “Picture of the Month” page.

You’ll get a preview on the front page and a link to the actual page.

These pictures are not going to be visible in the galleries, so you don’t have to trawl through the gallery to find them.

At the end of the year I might even ask you to vote for the best one, so watch this space.

Xara’s Gallery Update

Christmas and New Year have been and gone, The Dixon Collection hope you had a great time.

No snow this year, yet ! But, however bad and disruptive snow can be, please spare a thought for the thousands of people throughout the UK who are going through hell during this unusually poor weather at a time of celebration.

Screen PrintXara has added some more of her work to her galleries. She has made a recent foray into screen printing, and with some extremely good results. I, personally, would love to see her produce lots more. Come on Xara, get printing. The bigger the better.

To sell or not to sell?

We hope you are enjoying the galleries.

The family members would really like to know if you, the gallery browsers, would like an option to buy some of the works on display.

If you are interested in buying, a small questionnaire has been added to the side bar (to the right, just under the bar code). Please take time to select an answer and vote.

The questionnaire ends on the 28th February 2014 and is open to all.

Winter is fast approaching

Brrrrrr . . . . .It’s getting cold, And what happened to Autumn?

I wonder if we’re going to have another bad winter this year. Will the countryside be covered in snow again? If so I may spend a bit of time in the freezing cold taking some photos, either that or I might take some indoor shots. I wonder if the kids will join me in the snow . . . . no snowballing mind you, although I might take a sledge to get home quicker!!

I’ve added a few more photos to the gallery today, please have a look and let me know what you think.

Abbey Feature Page

Well, I thought I’d have a go at a feature page.

I’ve called it “Abbeys and Churches”. I enjoy visiting Abbeys, Cathedrals and Churches. They are such interesting places, full of history and character. I’d recommend anyone pay a visit to any of them, you won’t be disappointed.

Why not take a look and leave comments, let me know what you think.

It’s infectious

It looks like photography is infectious!

Saskia has been out and about and taken some photos. She is learning a new skill and as she explores the options photography offers her skills will grow. Learning to use a camera can be daunting, shutter speed here, aperture there, focusing and depth of field everywhere. Over time these technical skills will all fall into place. For now though, she needs to explore her composition and seeing.

Does anyone have any ideas for a theme? If so please leave a reply in the link below.

Xara’s New Toy

Into August now and the weather has returned to the normal English type meaning cooler and wetter weather. For some that’s not good for others it comes as a great relief.

Xara has taken up photography, and with the purchase of her first DLSR camera she was eager to try it out. A recent trip to Bolton Abbey gave her that opportunity.

Her first foray into the art of photography has been uploaded to the site for all to see. Well done Xara, some nice pics. Hope your friends and visitors to the site enjoy them.

Xara would really appreciate your comments and please share on Facebook or Twitter.

It’s Summer

Well, It’s summer again. And what a summer we’ve had so far. In fact what a year we’ve had so far. A very bad winter and now a heatwave. Let’s hope the good weather continues.

I have been out and about, taking some photos. And this year the family are now starting to contribute. We have paid a visit to Bolton Abbey a couple of times, a favourite haunt of ours, in recent weeks. And Malham Cove too.

And so time to add new photos to the site. Over the coming weeks new photos and artwork will be added. Including some from the youngest, Saskia. So please come and visit.