Xara’s Gallery Update

Christmas and New Year have been and gone, The Dixon Collection hope you had a great time.

No snow this year, yet ! But, however bad and disruptive snow can be, please spare a thought for the thousands of people throughout the UK who are going through hell during this unusually poor weather at a time of celebration.

Screen PrintXara has added some more of her work to her galleries. She has made a recent foray into screen printing, and with some extremely good results. I, personally, would love to see her produce lots more. Come on Xara, get printing. The bigger the better.

To sell or not to sell?

We hope you are enjoying the galleries.

The family members would really like to know if you, the gallery browsers, would like an option to buy some of the works on display.

If you are interested in buying, a small questionnaire has been added to the side bar (to the right, just under the bar code). Please take time to select an answer and vote.

The questionnaire ends on the 28th February 2014 and is open to all.

Xara’s New Toy

Into August now and the weather has returned to the normal English type meaning cooler and wetter weather. For some that’s not good for others it comes as a great relief.

Xara has taken up photography, and with the purchase of her first DLSR camera she was eager to try it out. A recent trip to Bolton Abbey gave her that opportunity.

Her first foray into the art of photography has been uploaded to the site for all to see. Well done Xara, some nice pics. Hope your friends and visitors to the site enjoy them.

Xara would really appreciate your comments and please share on Facebook or Twitter.