To sell or not to sell?

We hope you are enjoying the galleries.

The family members would really like to know if you, the gallery browsers, would like an option to buy some of the works on display.

If you are interested in buying, a small questionnaire has been added to the side bar (to the right, just under the bar code). Please take time to select an answer and vote.

The questionnaire ends on the 28th February 2014 and is open to all.

It’s infectious

It looks like photography is infectious!

Saskia has been out and about and taken some photos. She is learning a new skill and as she explores the options photography offers her skills will grow. Learning to use a camera can be daunting, shutter speed here, aperture there, focusing and depth of field everywhere. Over time these technical skills will all fall into place. For now though, she needs to explore her composition and seeing.

Does anyone have any ideas for a theme? If so please leave a reply in the link below.